Stay Connected with TD SYNNEX Series: Enabling Remote Worker Efficiency through Remote Desktop Services


Modern Workplace, Tech Data Value, News, StayConnected
27 mar 20 : Raquel Acuna

The Stay Connected with TD SYNNEX Series is designed to help our customers adapt to industry changes around virtual collaboration. Now, more than ever, the importance of staying connected with your team and your customers are important, so we hope you find the resources we provide in our series helpful.


Productivity and business continuity are essential and critical to every organization. Recently, we have experienced how businesses are shifting the way in which they traditionally operate, by enabling the workforce to be more remote.

Cloud governance as well as the need for application portability are also some of the trends driving the need for modern infrastructure and virtualization solutions that traditional data centers cannot meet.

First things first, what is Remote Desktop Services (RDS) ?

Remote Desktop Services provides server-hosted access to Windows-based applications and desktops, removing the need for applications to be installed and run locally on individual workstations. A Remote Desktop Services solution allows users to access and run their desktop and applications from the cloud, enabling remote worker efficiency or capabilities, while ensuring the organizations data stays secure.

Why Consider it?

Whether you are considering virtualization for meet today’s demands, or overall to enhance your cloud portfolio with future proof and scalable solutions, Remote Desktop Services provides organizations with a cost – effective, easy and flexible way to manage and control access to applications.

Great Solutions Deliver Greater Outcomes

TD SYNNEX understands that cloud solutions may not always be as simple as they seem. 

Leveraging Microsoft’s best practices, as well as the expertise of our cloud architects, TD SYNNEX has designed, and architected a Remote Desktop Services solution you can deploy in a matter of thirty minutes or less.

TD SYNNEX’s Remote Desktop Services on Azure allows users to access everyday workloads and connect in a seamless way from virtually anywhere and anytime. Additionally, customers can customize the deployment to integrate with existing infrastructure or create a new environment in Azure with the ability to deploy and scale quickly while keeping the application and sensitive data safe.

You can scale your deployment depending on the expected need of each type of user: carry out data entry on lightweight apps, manipulate large datasheets with productivity apps like

Office, or work with heavy-duty engineering or graphics apps like CAD software.

Here are 6 key benefits this solution provides:

  • Enable users: Leverage the compute power of Windows Server to provide a cost-effective multi-session environment to drive your users’ everyday workloads. Allow end users to connect seamlessly every time.
  • Manage Access: Specify individual applications hosted/run on the virtualized machines but appear as if they’re running on the user’s desktop like local applications.
  • Protect assets and users: Improved security by using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), ideal for deploying and managing key applications in a secure, remote environment.
  • Cost effective: Helps reduce infrastructure maintenance cost for on-premises servers.
  • Stability: Increased stability by using Azure services to ensure high availability.
  • Increased efficiency: Improve user experience by using existing identities to access resources, while allowing users to work with those resources and customize their own desktops.

Getting Started

To learn more or see a demo of this solution please schedule a consultation, or contact your TD SYNNEX Cloud Specialist.


Raquel Acuna has been a part of the Cloud Team at TD SYNNEX for almost 4 years. As a Marketing Strategist, she specializes in the Go-to Market strategy of two key pillars of the business, Cloud Solutions Factory and Services.

Prior to her current cloud role, she spent over 7 years on the TD SYNNEX Cisco Team, in which she served in different positions as lead trainer of the Americas, to later lead Cisco's Go-to Market strategy for all of its architectures and solutions.

In addition to her day to day, she is also a board member of Elevate, TD SYNNEX’s Women Employee Resource Group,  and is the Communication Outreach Chair.