Reduce your Customer’s Security Risk with one Simple Tool


Modern Workplace, Tech Data Value, News, StayConnected
27 feb 20 : Kyle Banas

Cybersecurity is always a priority. As with any IT solution (yes, even cloud solutions) it’s important to deliver a secure environment to limit risks of data leaks or unwanted access.  Conveniently, Microsoft has an easy to use tool that can help address security concerns, and its included in the cost of your existing Office 365 and Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

Microsoft Secure Score is a security analytics tool that integrates with Office 365 applications, Windows 10, Azure AD, and Intune which gives users better visibility into their organizations security posture. Microsoft Secure Score enables you and/or your customers to implement securities best practices plus, monitor and maintain a secure work environment. With these additional insights and visibility, you can outline a short-term and long-term cyber hygiene plan with your client and an ongoing dialogue for additional services.

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How can I add SecureScore to my client review process?

In your next quarterly cadence with your client, pull up their SecureScore! It’s a great talking point and it consistently changes based on user behavior. It’s not a “set it and forget it” conversation. Microsoft Secure Score gives recommendations on which security feature(s) to implement to improve the overall score and prioritizes the order based on risk. This is easily exportable into Excel and can be put into a branded report with any other recommendations (perhaps in a 30, 60, 90 Day plan format).

Some items may be long term (beyond 90 days) to implement or resolved with additional Microsoft products. If this is most sensible for the client, you can build out a roadmap to address financial and business continuity concerns.

HIghlights To Consider in an Output Report

Designed with users in mind, information and recommendations are organized into groups for quick and easy access:

  • App (protection state of your email and cloud apps)
  • Data (protection state of your Office 365 documents)
  • Device (protection state of your devices; Microsoft Defender ATP improvement actions coming soon)
  • Identity (protection state of your Azure AD accounts and roles)
  • Infrastructure (protection state of your Azure resources; coming soon)

The Microsoft Security Score overview page (pictured below) acts as the central hub for admins, displaying the total score, historical trends, and prioritized improvement actions that can be taken. It also breaks down an organizations total score, showing what portion of the overall points belong to each of the listed groups and what points are available.

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Looking to automate key settings within Secure Score?

TD SYNNEX’s Solutions Factory newest Click-To-Run solution, Modern Workplace with Secure Score, is now available in the StreamOne Cloud Marketplace (SCM). This is an ideal solution for TD SYNNEX Partners with a mature or growing Office 365 practice. TD SYNNEX’s Modern Workplace with Secure Score is designed to automate critical IT management policies including data loss prevention, mailbox auditing, and password reset policies. This is accomplished through a combination of automation tools and proprietary software that will verify and apply security settings daily. End users and IT administrators save time by automating these frequent, time consuming and error prone IT management tasks.

Learn how to enable collaboration and be productive with Modern Workplace solutions here and #StayConnected with our TD SYNNEX blogs.